Say Yes

"You never say yes to anything" - The opening sentence to the first chapter of Shonda Rhimes' book Year of Yes.

This was the first book that I read this year and it seemed quite fitting considering I had a huge fight with my husband on the morning of New Year's Day and he kind of alluded to the same thing.  I felt offended! Just because I don't always want to go out doesn't mean I never say yes to anything... right? I immediately wanted to go on the defense and highlight that 2019 was a tough year and when it came to weekends I preferred my own company to others as it was the only time I could kind of re-energize before the week ahead. I didn't however make this argument for myself, I accepted the jabs and let the metaphorical bruises on my body force me to think about everything.

Okay so if I am being honest I do say No to a lot of things and tell myself that it is justified me time that I need, not realizing that I was isolating and potentially going down a dark rabbit hole of depression. I struggle with the notion of depression and mental health issues but if I am being introspective I think I can admit that depression has knocked at my door before and I have been too stubborn to acknowledge it.

So it was time to put on my big girl panties and acknowledge the scary path I was moving down and look at the option of saying yes more this year. It hasn't always been easy because I honestly still enjoy my own company (which is being proven with the Covid19 lock-down) and it doesn't always come easy to say yes but I am attempting to step out of my comfort zone. I have gone to a few more action cricket games this year as well as get-togethers with friends.

It is challenging to really say whether I have truly shifted to saying Yes because we are in lock-down so there aren't many opportunities knocking at my door but I said yes to writing again which is something I have stayed away from for so long and I am hoping to say yes to more things as the year continues. The idea is to get out of my comfort zone which feels like a warm, fuzzy blanket around my life and start doing things to make this life more memorable.
